I've decided I'm going to try to update this every Sunday. I'll probably still suck at getting it done on time, but I shall try haha.
Not much has been happening this week. Been hanging out with a friend who lives in my dorms quite a lot, but otherwise there's not all that much to say! Hadn't seen the girls all week until last night, when we headed out to Passage (the doormen recognise us now hahaha). Had a really good night, foot got really sore towards the end though! Sore foot + heels = ow. I remember Caitlin and I running around after a taxi, minus our shoes. Classy as always. We had a table again which was really good, though we did spend most of the night dancing. Mind that time we had to pay a $30 service charge even though we served ourselves?? Pffft.
I booked flights to go to Boston over spring break. Really looking forward to it!! Caitlin and Stacey are heading to Panama City, but I felt that I didn't really want to do the whole party holiday thing again. I'm sure it will be amazing, but I'd rather use my time to go visit somewhere I really want to see. I leave on the 5th March and return on the 10th. Had plans for the 11th/12th/13th to go to Indiana to see a motorbike thing, but I think those plans may be off now. But oh well, still got loads to look forward to!
I've been doing pretty well with my school work/tests. Have gotten loads of A's and some B's, so impressed with myself haha! Got 97% for a group presentation that I took part in, was so happy! Have a couple of tests coming up this week (never ending, I swear) but hopefully they will go well. Got a paper to finish (read as: start) for Tuesday...really should get on with that. I just keep telling myself it's only a page and a half, double spaced, so it's really not all that much haha.
Really can't believe I have been here 7 weeks, it has gone in so quickly. The next 3 weeks are going to completely fly in too, with me going to Boston and stuff. Kinda crazy. Really looking forward to planning my traveling for my last month, can't do it though until the Florida trip is sorted! HI GUYS GET YOUR TICKETS THANKS.
I've kinda realised this week how much I'm going to miss everyone I've met here. Saying goodbye is definitely going to be emotional, however on the plus side, I can totally come back and visit/have people visit me, so all is good!
tl;dr: I am loving life.
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